Ep 223: Stefan Sagmeister live at OFFF Festival 2024 - Long Term Thinking

Ben Tallon's Creative Condition Podcast

Ep 223: Stefan Sagmeister live at OFFF Festival 2024 - Long Term Thinking
Stefan Sagmeister - legendary designer and pioneering creator - returns to continue our conversation from episode 199, only this time live on the main stage at OFFF Festival Barcelona. We continue to explore the notion of understanding our minds in order to find an optimistic baseline, from which we can work to resolve our collective problems. The chat took place in front of a live 2000+ audience in Disseny Hub and now is your chance to hear it too. The show is supported by founding sponsor Illustration X: https://illustrationx.com and the Ukrainian Institute: https://ui.org.ua You can grab Stefan's 'Now is Better' from: https://www.phaidon.com/store/design/now-is-better-9781838666965/ The Creative Condition book is out now. Signed copies at: https://bentallonwriter.com/shop
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