Cover design for the book "Playing Together in the Sandbox"

Playing Together in the Sandbox

A book about life-lessons learned through play is illustrated with the spontaneous hand of Sholto Walker.

Sholto worked on twenty four line drawings and a cover for Scott Pansky’s recently published book “Playing Together in the Sandbox” - a children's picture book encouraging the importance of playing together, being creative, kind, and supportive of others, helping children both when they are young and also later, as adults.
"Scott believes strongly that the simple life-lessons we learn as children about cooperation and letting our imaginations go when we play together are just as relevant to our lives when we become adults. He thinks too many people forget this and he wanted to write a book about it," explains Sholto, "In early February, Scott got in touch to discuss how we might make a book with his words and my drawings and after several meetings and much discussion, I came up with a set of drawings which he felt best illustrated his ideas."
Remember the days when life was simple? When all we did was play and have fun in the sandbox? There were no rules, it was about being carefree. As kids grow up, many may face roadblocks put in front of them. This book shares experiences learned when playing together from making new friends to discovering new worlds in our imaginations. These skills are still relevant and impactful today. This photo book is designed for kids ages 4 - 7, parents and teachers. Through reading this story together, children and adults can talk about the many lessons they learned from playing nice in the sandbox.
Find out more and buy the book here.
childrens books
black and white
sholto walker
picture books
childrens illustrator

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